Graduate Medical Education
Learning Through Clinical Practice
Residents and fellows in our Rutgers Health-sponsored graduate medical education (GME) programs learn from the best minds in health care and receive superior hands-on clinical training, while benefiting from broad resources and interprofessional opportunities.
Welcome to Rutgers Health
Learn more about our training programs and find contact information by visiting the websites below. General inquiries about graduate medical education at Rutgers Health can be sent to
Learn more about our training programs and find contact information by visiting the websites below. General inquiries about graduate medical education at Rutgers Health can be sent to
Partners in Training and Service
Partnerships bring our trainees together while improving the lives of our New Jersey community members by providing clinical care and conducting vital research.
Resources for program directors and coordinators, current residents, and others.
Location Contact Community Medical Center Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center Jersey City Medical Center Monmouth Medical Center New Jersey Medical School Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
or University of Medicine and Dentistry of New
Jersey (UMDNJ) Trinitas Regional Medical Center -
Rutgers Health Graduate Medical Education program offers resources to support resident wellness and education and ways to report concerns. To learn more, review the following resources and tools:
- Rutgers Health Sponsoring Institution Policies (NetID required)
- Wellbeing Resources - Find tools that promote trainee wellbeing at Rutgers Health.
- Please email us if you have a suggestion for improving wellbeing or the clinical learning environment. We would love to hear your ideas!
- Recorded Educational Presentations (NetID required) - Access recorded Grand Rounds events and other educational presentations from Rutgers Health events.
- Rutgers Health GME Grand Rounds Calendar (NetID required) - See flyers and links to upcoming Rutgers Health GME Grand Rounds sessions and access instructions on how to register for CME for these sessions.
- Call Room Information (NetID required) – Access information on who to contact if you experience an issue with a call room throughout Rutgers Health.
- Lactation Room Information (NetID required) - Access information about private lactation spaces throughout Rutgers Health.
- Rutgers Health Chief Resident Retreat - Learn about the interdisciplinary program for chief fellows and residents across Rutgers Health.
- Root Cause Analysis FAQs for Trainees (NetID required)
Location Ombud Ombud Contact New Jersey Medical School Dr. Christin Traba Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Dr. Lynn Clemow RWJBarnabas Health Dr. Robert Walter
About Rutgers Health GME Employment
Rutgers Health is a single ACGME-accredited sponsoring institution with multiple employers. Some trainees in Rutgers Health-sponsored programs are employed by Rutgers University and some are employed by RWJBarnabas Health. To confirm the employer in your program of interest, please contact the Office of Graduate Medical Education by emailing