University Operating Status

  • Events
  • Equity Fundamentals Workshop: Fostering Inclusive Environments

Equity Fundamentals Workshop: Fostering Inclusive Environments

Date & Time

Thursday, December 05, 2024, 12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m.


Multicultural & Diversity


Virtual Event


Sponsored by the Office of Vice Chancellor of Diversity and Inclusion

Multicolored wooden stick figurines depicting people

Designed for faculty and staff, this virtual workshop will promote a shared understanding of foundational concepts, including diversity, inclusion, equity, social justice, and intersectionality. Participants will engage in hands-on activities and reflection, applying these concepts to both their professional/personal lives and in building inclusive work and learning environments at Rutgers.

Kaylin Padovano, Director of Diversity Education and Outreach, will present the workshop.