• Events
  • Seminar: "Forward-Looking Science Policy and Wondrous Science for a Polarized America"

Seminar: "Forward-Looking Science Policy and Wondrous Science for a Polarized America"

Date & Time

Monday, September 09, 2024, 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.


Multicultural & Diversity


Medical Science Building, MSB B 617

185 South Orange Avenue Newark, NJ, 07103

Rutgers Health welcomes Dr. Sudip Parikh, CEO of the American Association of the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the Executive Publisher of the Science family of journals for a seminar, "Forward-Looking Science Policy and Wondrous Science for a Polarized America." The AAAS is the largest science advocacy organization in the world and has a membership of over 120,000.

Dr. Parikh will be joining us to celebrate our new SEA Change Biomedicine Bronze Award and bring us up-to-date on US science policy and advocacy. Rutgers Health is the first biomedical unit to receive this prestigious award from the AAAS.

The event will take place in-person and be livestreamed via Zoom.